Gerald Capodieci escribió:
> I need advice or a lead on Water Pipe Interference (WPI). This is not a joke. 
> At midnight my wife and son came into the room while I was transmitting on 
> 3.9000 MHz stating that someone or thing  is under the house hitting the 
> pipes or dragging chains. My son and I, carrying shovels, walked the 
> perimeter to find all the vents and crawl space covers in place. I went to 
> the shack to resume transmitting while my son listened. He came in to say the 
> water pipes were vibrating. I had him transmit while I looked and I could see 
> the 3/4 inch water pipe moving rapidly back and forth in 1/2 inch cycles. I'm 
> planning on clamping the pipes to the framing but wonder if that solution 
> could lead to further problems. Has anyone had similar experience or 
> information on this issue? I live near Los Angeles and have great signal 
> reports from all the Western states. I'm running resonant inverted Vs with 
> nearly a 1:1 match fed through a balun and RG213. The SDR1000 is driving an 
> AL-82 with at
>  least 1K Watts out and each piece of equipment is grounded to a 3/4 inch 
> copper pipe running through the shack and leading to the copper water pipes 
> 30 feet away. I have no TVI, RFI just WPI.
>   Jerry 
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I believe you 100%, but you must admit that this case is a good 
candidate for the best "urban legend" in the radio field in years.
No joke, I would like to know how you fix it and a credible 
explanation.  Antennas resonate (usually) but (usually also) they don´t 
vibrate mecanically that  way.

73 de Ignacio, EB4APL

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