I have noticed some timing changes in the CW behavior
of the radio with the latest few SVN releases.  

What I am experiencing is a period between tx going to
rx,  the rx has a longer period before it becomes
active that is longer than in older versions.  It
seems unrelated to how much delay is set by the semi
breakin, though I have not tested extreme long delays.
 Also I can make the transmitter fault if I try to
transmit during during this inactive period.

For example if I am transmitting in semi-breakin, and
the transmitter falls out between 2 words and then
tries to pick up again the transmitter will either
miss a dit or it will transmit the dit late, which
messes up a the rythm of sending.  

The rest of my setup has been static and was working
perfectly prior to the last few iterations of the SVN,
 however I did redo the database and recalibrate
recently, so I don't know if its the change in my db
or change in the code.  Has anyone else noted a change
in CW behavior?  

tnx  W9OY 

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