Does this mean that CAT is then not available to be used in conjunction 
with digital mode or logging programs?  It seems to me that there ought 
to be a way to route CAT data to both a virtual serial port and a "real" 
serial port, but I can't see how to do it.

John W2FS

Tom Thompson wrote:

>I have had my SteppIR running with the SDR-1000 for some time.  I plug 
>the SteppIR cable into COM1 and set the SteppIR box for Kenwood 
>operation at 9600 baud.  I then set the SDR-1000 CAT up for TS-2000 on 
>COM1 at 9600 baud.  I set parity to none, data bits to 8 and stop bits 
>to 1.  It follows perfectly.
>73,   Tom   W0IVJ
>Ed wrote:

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