> Hi Everyone:
>   This proposal represents a very slippery slope. Let's try studio grade
> gold plated cables first, we already have the sound card. We can do this
> today. Our music industry has no problem with good quality cables.

If gold cables really did it, I wouldn't have said anything.

Besides, the music industry does not, so far as I know, run on 1/8" mini

Nor upon the vagarities of parallel computer ports.

These are real problems that, one and three quarters years in, I'm still
suffering from with some regularity.

The kind of heart-in-my-throat kind of "did I blow the rig" that I can
frankly do without.

> The
> last thing we want to do is hardwired upgrades. If an A/D converter and
> CPU are added, soon to follow will be RAM, a disk drive, Internet card,
> then even a small screen with keyboard (maybe even viruses).

Not in my universe, they wouldn't.  In any case, we appear to be in no
danger of a plethora of products from Flex.  I don't mean that in a
negative way -- I mean it in the sense that they can't / won't / don't do
that sort of thing, perhaps because they're on the same page as you are,

The key is to really view the radio as a true PC peripheral and stick to
that notion at all costs.  It should look "embedded" both for cost and
complexity reasons.  Also, it is more flexible in the end.  If we just
make the latches visible, we can put all the "yearly update" stuff you're
talking about in the PC-side software.  Where it belongs.  So it can come

I want not a whit more in the hardware than necessary.  But, IME and IMHO,
it needs this little bit more.  I think it would enlarge the market for
the product, too.

> Whenever
> frequently upgraded components are "in the box", the box will change at
> least once a year.

Not in my universe.  I don't want a hardfile or an internet connection. 
Those are both overkill and will make the box bigger which will lead to
lots of problems, eventually.  I certainly don't want a hardfile to keep
me from bringing up my radio and I don't want a long, drawn out boot
process, either.

Neither, I think, will anyone else who thinks about it long enough.  This
really is a peripheral and the logic of a peripheral applies.  This
doesn't, in the end, want to grow up to be a computer.  It wants to stay
flexible and putting as much in the software is the way to go, especially
if the product, as I hope and expect a proposal like mine would work out
in truth and not in dreams, is physically more convenient, reliable, and

Larry WO0Z

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