hey...what's with the discount?

On 9/27/06, Cecil Bayona <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Gerald Capodieci wrote:
> > You'll need a 503ce filing and form a public service org. This radio
> system is getting too good to keep to ourselves. It also needs to be shown
> at Computer Conventions to bring in more geeks like me. I left Armature
> Radio in 1980 because the radios were just getting more fancy, expensive but
> seldom better (some were worse). Instead of just slipping sideways like most
> of the rest only the SADR1000 and the K2 made real steps forward. I was busy
> for 28 years with DP and Office Automation and my key to success was to
> "Keep it Simple". Coming from that bias, I bought the SADR1000 and AL-82.
> This by far is the simplest combo on the block. I am beyond words to
> describe how pleased I am with this combo. Everyone I talk to says, "Great
> audio.. what radio are you using?" And everyone I try to talk to responds
> and wants to talk.
> >   Jerry
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> Send me $20 for a one year subscription, $150 for a lifetime
> subscription, use PayPal to my email address.
> Thanks
> --
> Cecil
> www.qrpradio.com www.hpsdr.com
> "Sacred Cows make the best Hamburger!"  Don Seglio Batuna
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