Jeff wrote:

>Test was:  25 watts TUNE mode.
>My SDR Meter reads:
>     27 watts Forward
>      5 watts Reflected
>  2.6:1 SWR

Jeff, Now I am really confused. In TUNE mode my forward power and reflected
power selections read 0W as if they are disabled in TUNE. That would
certainly explain the 1.0:1 for SWR in TUNE mode.

But the mystery now is, why am I not able to see the forward and reflected
power as you evidently can. As I remember the Z-100 does its own thing,
having a bridge on the board. What we would/should be seeing is, I assume,
coming from the 100W PA in the stack, via the parallel port. In "key down"
CW, I am able to read forward and reflected power indicating the bridge is
working and the parallel port as well. A true head scratcher for sure!

Jim, W4ATK

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