At 07:35 PM 10/4/2006, Barry Jablonski wrote:
>Hello, Jim and Frank,
>I appreciate your through and scholarly response to my simply
>questions.  Having practiced EE for more than thirty
>years now, I am fully aware and respect the patent system.  Most of my
>employers would give you a letter of
>appreciation and maybe even a plack (sometimes even a buck!) for any
>invention you came up with on their watch.
>It made no difference whether it was job related or not.  I understand
>that fact of life.
>I guess that my simple question is: how is iBiquity Digital different
>than DRM?  With DRM (an international digital
>standard) I can buy (as I have...) their official decoder --
>but, I can also use the free and open source GPL (and much better) --
>Inquiring minds just want to know!

Different mindsets of the investors?

On one hand, maybe they're trying to increase "ear-share", and the 
more people that can listen, the more ads you can sell. The ROI comes 
from the transmitters of the data.

On the other hand, they're making money on selling receivers (or 
royalties on the receivers).  The money comes from the mfr of the 
consumer equipment, not the transmitters of the data.

I am reminded of the rumored discussion between Disney and Microsoft:

Microsoft thinks that Disney should pay them for providing a 
distribution channel for their content.
Disney thinks the Microsoft should pay them for providing content for 
their distribution channel.

plus ca change, plus c'est la meme chose  (sorry for missing 
diacritical marks, etc.)


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