I am running v1.6.3 beta and can no longer get this to work?
        -----Original Message-----
        From: Eric Wachsmann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
        Sent: Wednesday, August 23, 2006 12:53 PM
        To: 'Philip M. Lanese'; 'Scott Gordon'; FlexRadio@flex-radio.biz
        Subject: RE: [Flexradio] Record & Playback on Air?
        It is possible to use the existing wave record/playback features
        PowerSDR to record a signal (yours or someone you are receiving)
        then play it back later.
        If you are recording someone that you are receiving, set the
        Wave Record
        Options to record post-processed RX.  This will record what you
        hearing (as opposed to the full IF).  Then when you are ready to
        play it
        back, simply add the file to the playlist, go into transmit
        mode, and
        then hit the play button.  Note that you may need to adjust the
        MIC gain
        to adjust the input volume from the wave file (typically wave
        files need
        much less gain due to the AGC that has already been applied to
        received signal before you send it).
        For recording your own signal, you would want to select
        pre-processed TX
        signal on the Wave Options form.  This way, you would not run
        the EQ,
        filter, etc. twice (once before recording, once on playback).
        the process is the same.
        Suggestions for how to improve this are welcome.
        Eric Wachsmann
        FlexRadio Systems

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