I've been experimenting with CAT control of the SDR1K using Delphi and
something is not quite right.  I can send say FA; to the SDR to get
the freq of VFO 1, and reading the COM port will at times return the
proper value as expected, however at times it returns nothing, then
when it finally does, it returns several iterations of the freq for
each time I sent FA; before.

Sometimes, it seems like the COM port times out or something to that
effect.  I can go into PowerSDR and toggle the CAT off and then back
on and it will work for a bit.  I know this sounds sort of vague...

Can someone tell me what I'm missing that may have had the same issue
at first?  I've done Async stuff before with no problems, so this one
has me lost.

I'm trying to marry up my new LP-100 Digi Vector wattmeter with the
SDR.  I can command and poll the LP-100 with no problem via a COM
port, however I've never attempted any CAT control of rigs with my own

Thanks for any suggestions.

Brian / w5ami

"There is nothing more uncommon than common sense." -- Frank Lloyd Wright

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