Dale Boresz wrote:
> Folks -- I've added a link to the file download section of hamsdr that 
> will allow you to save the file.
> To do so:
> - Go to http://www.hamsdr.com/dnld.aspx
> - Note the Town Hall meeting file is the first one in the list
> - Right-click the "Right-click to Save" link in the fourth column, and 
> select "Save Target As ..." or "Save Link As ..." from your browser's 
> fly-out contect menu, and save the file wherever you wish.
> 73, Dale
> Joe - AB1DO wrote:
>> Thank you!
>> When I click on the link, the audio immediately starts streaming. I would 
>> rather save the file to disk first and then play it. Anyone know how to do 
>> that?
>> Thanks
>> 73 de Joe - AB1DO

Good going, I'm sure many would love to download the file and listen at 
their convenience on their iPods or MP3 players.


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