Simon Brown (HB9DRV) wrote:
> Hi Hank,
> Could be - I assume you're talking about PSK31 Deluxe and not HRD itself. 
> FWIW I am using my Delta 44 with a new digital modes program, I will have to 
> test it with the Delta 44 at 96 kHz sampling.

I wonder if they mean the sound grabber?

If so, how are people trying to use the Delta44?  Remember, some of its 
connections are controlling the SDR1000, so you probably need to use 
something like VAC to provide virtual connections (eg., Cable 1 and 
Cable 2) which HRD can then be connected to.

I've just checked, and HRD does recognise that the D44 is there, 
including the virtual connections of Cable 1 and 2 when running 
PowerSDR.  I did a quick test and was able to grab some audio and play 
it back.

de Dave (G0DJA)

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