I've been trying to interface the SDR-1000 with the Writelog program.  I've had 
some pretty good success using CAT though the virtual comm program to control 
the radio and send frequency info to the Writelog program, and VAC to supply 
audio to the Writelog program for decoding.  CW keying from the Writelog 
program seems to be a problem.  Writelog provides CW keying through the DTR 
line of one com port, and CAT control commands through another com port.  It 
cannot use the same com port for both functions since one one would interfere 
with the other.  The SDR-1000 however expects both CAT commands and DTR CW 
keying on the same com port.  I'm using COM4/COM14 for CAT controls and would 
like to use COM2/COM12 for DTR CW keying, but the SDR-1000 won't let me set up 
this configuration.  By the way, using the COM2/COM12 port for PTT alone works 
fine using the PTT setup form on the VAC menu.  Has anyone else made this work? 
 Am I missing something?  I'd rather not have to pull the DTR CW keying signal 
out of the PC only to reinsert it into the keying jack of the SDR-1000, but I 
will if its the only way.

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