Dudley Hurry wrote:
> I also thought that the cable had to be more than just a "printer" 
> cable.   Mine is a full 25 pin cable 6 feet long and works 
> perfectly..    Not having a good parallel interface and cable can 
> cause a lot of problems
> Also on the movement of the cursor causing a the receiver to go 
> deaf,  mine is showing about 3 to 5 % normally,  but when I drag the 
> Freq with the cursor then the process percentage jumps to 25 to 
> 30%,  might be running out of CPU cycles.
> 73,
> Dudley
> At 11:56 AM 12/5/2006, Willi Reppel wrote:
>> John,
>> Make sure the printer cable is as short as possible.
>> This was already a topic 2-3 years ago when you still could buy parallel
>> line conditioners in computer shops.
>> You can get mine for free, if you pay the postage from Europe to the US
>> because I replaced the conditioner with the USB-Parallel Adapter from
>> Flex-Radio.
>> vy 73 de SM6OMH
>> Willi
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "John Sweeney" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Cc: <flexradio@flex-radio.biz>
>> Sent: Tuesday, December 05, 2006 4:12 PM
>> Subject: Re: [Flexradio] High Static Levels
>>> Ken,
>>> You hit on something very interesting.   I also have the very occasional
>>> flat line, or receiver going deaf, when switching  from transmit to
>>> receive.  Clicking on Standby and back to On always brings the PowerFlex
>>> back to life.   I'm using the standard Parallel cable with a newer, but
>>> cheap,  PC.  (cheap barebones kit from TigerDirect with a very inexpensive
>>> power supply)
>>> I will measure the pin voltages when I get home tonight.  Do you think the
>>> use of the USB adapter as sold by Flex will help resolve this receiver
>>> going deaf problem.   I have been under the impression that the Parallel
>>> cable is the preferred method if the PC has the parallel port.
>>> Any other's comment on this?
>>> 73  John, N3WT
>>> ---- Ken N9VV <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>> O.K. Dave thanks, now we know much more about your setup.
>>>> Disconnect your Parallel cable and measure the VOLTAGE on some of
>>>> the pins of the PC Parallel connector. The NEW PCs are barely
>>>> keeping the parallel and serial ports alive. Some of the
>>>> motherboards only apply +/- 3,0vdc INSTEAD of the old standard +/-
>>>> 5,0vdc.
>>>> On my Wal-Mart PC, the 3v signals were INSUFFICIENT to make my
>>>> SDR-1000 work reliably. W1GHZ made a parallel port signal
>>>> conditioner (schmitt trigger?) and it helped a great deal.
>>>> Although it was a really critical part, I don't believe that Flex
>>>> sells it anymore.
>>>> The ultimate solution was for me to (a) get a new parallel port
>>>> PCI board with proper signal levels or (b) purchase the USB
>>>> interface and abandon the parallel port on the PC, which I did.
>>>> The USB solution worked perfectly. I found an article stating that
>>>> ALL PARALLEL and SERIAL ports were to be discontinued in future PC
>>>> mobo designs and declared them "legacy ports". That agreement was
>>>> between Microsoft + Intel + Dell + HP and was to go into effect in
>>>> 2005. So, in the future you should see NO parallel or serial ports
>>>> at all - they are now disappearing from Laptops.
>>>> BK de ken n9vv
>>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>>>>> ZS6AVM Wrote:
>>>>> I'm not using USB, normal parallel cable
>>>>> The issue with powering-up the Console, which takes three (3) attempts,
>>>>> is basically the same as the high static level issue, the receiver goes
>>>>> deaf
>>>>> Many thanks
>>>>> Dave

Hello all,
Since I also experience this  receiver deafening problem, I tried to 
trace  the cause. After remembering the problems discused 2 or 3 years 
ago and reading all the above I realized that the near cause was a loss 
of  the LO.  Either it became too far in frequency or low in amplitude, 
since it disappeared in a nearby receiver listenig to the LO feedthrough 
to the antenna connector.  Since it happened during fast reprogramming 
of the DDS (fast tunning), it sounded to me it was related to the 
parallel conection, either low in level or a bad cable.  I opened the 
connectors and found that mine was not a full 25 wires point to point, 
but a 18 conductor cable with 7 pins connected on both sides to the 
cable shield.  I replaced it with a 6 ft real 25 conductor cable and the 
problem is over.

73 de Ignacio, EB4APL

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