The Knowledge Base article (Q10324 - FILE: Region 1 BandText Table) recently 
added by Ahti needs to be revised.

In the article, Ahti recommends using my table migration utility to import 
the BandText table for Region 1 into the PowerSDR database.  Doing this will 
result in a BandText table that contains data for both Region 1 and Region 2 
and will not be useable in either region.  Instead, you must import all 
other tables from the PowerSDR.mdb file into the new database from the 
Knowledge Base article.

To use my utility, the following procedure must be followed:

1.)  Download the Region1BandText.mdb file from the Knowledge Base article 
into your PowerSDR directory.
2.)  Open SDRDataImport.exe
3.)  Select your current PowerSDR.mdb file as the SOURCE database.
4.)  Select the Region1BandText.mdb file as the DESTINATION database.
5.)  Select all tables EXCEPT the BandText table for transfer.
6.)  Transfer the data.
7.)  Close SDRDataImport.exe
8.)  Rename your PowerSDR.mdb file to something else -- Save_PowerSDR.mdb 
would work.
9.)  Rename Region1BandText.mdb to PowerSDR.mdb

This procedure will work properly.  Importing the Region 1 BandText table 
into your current PowerSDR database using my utility will result in data 

73, Ray, K9DUR

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