Hi Larry:

   Thanks for your message and suggestions.  I changed out the PS with 
another SEC 22 A version, and the symptoms persist.  Please keep in mind 
that  the symptoms also persist when running only 5W.  I do appreciate 
the input as to the fact that a  heavier PS is required than the typical 
20 or 22A capacity version.

Brian K7RE

Larry Loen wrote:

> Brian Kassel wrote:
>> Hi Jim:
>>    Thanks for the note.  Let's see if I can describe to you what I 
>> see.  After even a short transmission of, say, 5 seconds, running 
>> something like 5W, the frequency of the received PSK-31 signal slowly 
>> moves to the left on the waterfall display of my MixW program 
>> traveling about  the width of a typical PSK-31 signal in about 2-3 
>> seconds. There seems to be no greater frequency shift running 50W  
>> for periods up to 1 minute duration.  I am not sure if my TX 
>> frequency is varying.  I can't tell by ear at this point on another 
>> receiver.  I have a frequency counter, and can measure the TX 
>> frequency on CW if that will provide any insight. The PS should have 
>> no voltage sag at this low power level.  I use it for other 
>> projects.  It is a commercial switching supply SEC 1223.  Since I 
>> didn't really suspect the PS, I haven't as yet done any measurements. 
>> on it.    I certainly appreciate any assistance you can provide.
>> Brian K7RE
>> Jim Lux wrote:
> As far as I can tell (and, sample of one notwithstanding, I think I 
> have a lot of hours with the rig) this is a new symptom.
> I have had various problems, but never a shift in frequency between 
> transmit and receive whether the rig was on for hours or just turned 
> on, at least not so far as I could ever tell.
> Do check the power supply, though.   And, check the rating.  A peak 
> rating is worthless.  You need about a Astron 35 amp supply or better 
> to run this thing.  I ran an Astron 20 (simple math said it worked, 
> but 20 was a peak rating) and it wasn't enough.  But, it also wasn't 
> easy to detect.  In my case, it fooled me by acting like QSK when it 
> was really just intermittently cutting out.
> Larry  WO0Z

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