I use my comoputer mostly for ham radio applications.  I would cross over to
Linux in a NY minute IF it there were applications for:
Telnet dx spotting
Comprehensive logging program with telnet, rotor control, contesting....etc.
Mapping...similar to DX Atlas

I like having all these features interact with each other.  If this was
available in Linux without the crazy usual windows bog downs it would be a
no brainer for me to switch.


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of KD5NWA
Sent: Monday, January 01, 2007 12:33 PM
To: Flex-radio Reflector
Subject: Re: [Flexradio] Linux, any chance of a knoppix like setup?

Frank Brickle wrote:
> Ken --
> The stuff has to be finished and shrink-wrapped first. The
> hardware dependencies aren't big problems.
> The basic issue is that the Linux development has been getting
> little more than crumbs. Brilliant crumbs, to be sure, like John
> Melton, Edson Pereira, and Bob Cowdery. Crumbs nonetheless.
> Every time it's looked like proper attention could be paid to
> really finishing the Linux version (read: I've stamped my feet and
> thrown a tantrum), one fire or another has sprung up on the
> Windows side which drained away any of the available "official"
> resources that could be devoted to Linux. This situation is likely
> to continue unless there is at least *some* demand on the part of
> users or potential users for a quality Linux product.
> One of my New Year's resolutions (actually went into effect a few
> months ago) was to do nothing on the Flex front that wasn't
> directly applicaMble first and immediately to the new software
> design under Linux. In part this is because none of the really
> interesting pending SDR features (like co-channel interference
> removal or comprehensive automatic signal classification) is worth
> even thinking about under the current design, or under Windows in
> general for that matter. Vista only makes it worse.
> If people want a consumer-oriented Linux version, there has to be
> a groundswell of popular support for it. Otherwise the individual
> Linux developers are going to continue to write to suit
> themselves, and that development is, for now, aimed almost
> exclusively at experimenters.
> 73 and Happy New Year
> Frank

I  would like to add my voice to the groundswell of demand for a Linux


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