Jim Lux wrote:
> Sure. BUT PowerSDR is a product from a company that presumably wishes to 
> stay in business and has to sell product to do so (unless Gerald is 
> going to altruistically support ham radio into the future..).  And for 
> the next few years at least (and probably well into the next decade) the 
> dominant platform (in terms of percentage of computers) is going to be 
> windows (just out of inertia, and because MS can spend a gargantuan sum 
> of money to keep it that way).  Out of the hundreds,if not thousands, of 
> SDR1000 owners, I suspect a very small percentage participate on this 
> list, and there are a huge number of people just appreciating the 
> SDR1000/PowerSDR combination as a high performance "black box 
> appliance".  And, statistically, those people are more likely to be 
> running Windows.

I don't believe Flex-radio sell the PowerSDR at all. It is open source 
and GPL. Flex-radio sell the Flexradio HARDWARE, and use PowerSDR as a 
tool to do that. The better PowerSDR is, the more Flexradio HARDWARE 
they will sell. They let other people in the open source community 
improve the software with them and that results in better, more reliable 
software, and therefore more Flexradio hardware sales.

> The vocal minority, interested in tinkering, etc., for whom open source 
> is a godsend, probably has a higher percentage of Linux users.  Further, 
> just because they're willing to tinker, they're also willing to suffer 
> some amount of pain to shift from Windows to Linux  (and, yes, there is 
> significant pain in doing so, notwithstanding how congenial the 
> environment is after the changeover).

I don't believe there is significant pain to shift from Windows to 
Linux. Microsoft might want users to think that, but it really is not true.

>> The SDR1000 is most certainly not a "no user serviceable parts inside" 
>> product.
> The fact that it is "user servicing allowed and encouraged" but supports 
> the "black box" model is all to the better.

That is more the point I was trying to make.

> Jim, W6RMK

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