


Hello All,


I've updated v1.9.0 svn 806 to include the wave player/recorder and a new BCI 
Rejection scheme.


The player is the same as the one used in v1.6.3 svn 724A with one exception.  
This one properly sets the

TX audio level on startup.


The BCI (AM Radio Broadcast Interference) Rejection is something new to the 
SDR.  If you live near strong AM

stations they may be causing front end overload.  If you operate on 160 and 
find carriers every 10kHz and a

high noise floor this is for you.  My noise floor is S9 +10db with carriers at 
S9 +25db.  With the BCI Reduction

activated the noise floor drops to S6 and NO Broadcast carriers.  That's more 
than a 35db improvement during 

the day.  It's even better at night when the atmospheric noise goes down!  I 
now get down to S3 at times.  I 

worked G4UFK on 160 SSB last night. It would not have been possible without 
this feature.


The easiest way to see if you are being 'de-sensed' is to go to 160M and click 
the 'BCI Reduction' button on

and off.  If the noise floor drops and the carriers on 1.830, 1.840, 1.850 ... 
disappear, that's a sure sign.  The

real signals will jump right out of the noise!   On the other hand, if you're 
lucky enough to live far from strong

broadcast stations you may not find a need for this feature.


I'll put some pictures and explanation on my web site later.  Let us know what 
you think.





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