Hi John, I just downloaded SVN 807X and I'm seeing my noise floor 
increase by at least 10 db when I activate the BCI Rejection. BCI 
interference increases the same amount. I'm using the Delta 44 soundcard.

Maybe something I need to change in my settings?

I will tell you that my antenna performs poorly on 160 meters, my 
typical daytime noise floor is 120 dbm. But I do get weak but readable 
BCB carriers all over the band.

Gerald Sharp, KD0GS

> svn://
> Hello All,
> I've updated v1.9.0 svn 806 to include the wave player/recorder and a new BCI 
> Rejection scheme.
> The player is the same as the one used in v1.6.3 svn 724A with one exception. 
>  This one properly sets the
> TX audio level on startup.
> The BCI (AM Radio Broadcast Interference) Rejection is something new to the 
> SDR.  If you live near strong AM
> stations they may be causing front end overload.  If you operate on 160 and 
> find carriers every 10kHz and a
> high noise floor this is for you.  My noise floor is S9 +10db with carriers 
> at S9 +25db.  With the BCI Reduction
> activated the noise floor drops to S6 and NO Broadcast carriers.  That's more 
> than a 35db improvement during 
> the day.  It's even better at night when the atmospheric noise goes down!  I 
> now get down to S3 at times.  I 
> worked G4UFK on 160 SSB last night. It would not have been possible without 
> this feature.
> The easiest way to see if you are being 'de-sensed' is to go to 160M and 
> click the 'BCI Reduction' button on
> and off.  If the noise floor drops and the carriers on 1.830, 1.840, 1.850 
> ... disappear, that's a sure sign.  The
> real signals will jump right out of the noise!   On the other hand, if you're 
> lucky enough to live far from strong
> broadcast stations you may not find a need for this feature.
> I'll put some pictures and explanation on my web site later.  Let us know 
> what you think.
> 73,
> John
> k2ox
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