To me the redirection of the Flex Radio is nothing more than about cutting 
costs and increasing the profit. This is nothing new but when I first saw the 
Flex being demonstrated in the 3 board,no cabinet-yet, now 100w-yet form by non 
other than Gerald himself I was impressed by Gerald demonstartion ad alking to 
him I thought here's radio and a concept we hams have only dreamed of. I 
thought here is a radio that will stay in it's hardware form only to be 
modified to be made better. 
  So why can't the radio keeps it's form at 1 watt for transverters and add a 
power amp for 100 watts with little pain. And just like another poster why 
can't it be modified to use either way out of the box.
  The answer is simple it's all about cutting costs and increasing profits 
regardless of the customers pain , the "Mantra of American business". I thought 
that the Flex radio and it's promoter would not fall prey the that Mantra. The 
Flex radio is a wonderful piece of hardware to listen to but a nightmare until 
you finally get all the hardware put together so now the Flex radio is back in 
the category of any other radio of the buyer deciding if the work is worth it 
to get on the air the way you want to. And it should be no surprise of the 
sudden German builder we are seeing referenced to here lately. I didn't even 
know it was being made. He might just build the single board 1-watt to100-watt 
convertable we are searching for transverter use right before Flex Radio's eyes.
  Bob KA0MR

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