
Thanks for the suggestions.  I found that my external keyer (MFJ-401D) is not 
compatible with the COM port, either.  So I connected my paddles & straight key 
direct to the COM port.

I had been using the key jack on the back of the SDR-1000, and that would still 
be my preference.  The CW setup article in the Knowledge Base as well as the 
SDR-1000 manual indicate that there is less latency if you use the COM port.  I 
tried the COM port instead of the key jack because of a problem I had trying to 
use the key jack.  However, the problem is still there.

Using the CWX automatic keyer, the radio sends perfect code.  However, if I try 
to send CW using either the paddles or the straight key, there is a very 
significant delay between key closure & transmit output.  For example, if I set 
the code speed on the internal keyer to 15 wpm & send a string of 5 dits, the 
transmitter will not turn on until the 3rd dit, cutting off the 1st 2 dits.  I 
confirmed this by watching my in-line power meter & by listening on another 
receiver.  This occurs using either the rear panel jack or the COM port.

What am I missing?

73, Ray, K9DUR

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