I just looked at N1MM's website and would venture to say you do not
necessarily have to use the K1EL keyere to use N1MM with a serial port
interface. Of course the parallel port is out of the picture as far as the
SDR1000 is concerned.

        VCom's virtual serial port pairs are redefinable. N1MM only recognizes 
thru COM8. You must re-define VCom to support pairs using the ports
recognized by N1MM. As an example in my instance using ACLog I set up COM3
and COM5 as a pair. No my logger is happy, the SDR is happy and things work
great because CWType can use 3 and 5, and MixW is perfectly happy with the
same virtual pair. I used COM3 for the SDR's CAT control and COM5 for MixW,
CWType and ACLog 3.0.

73s Jim, W4ATK

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