I'm looking at getting an SDR-1000, and one of the things I'm very keen on is 6 
meters. It looks like I can go either of two ways to support 6M -- use the 
existing 0.5W output to drive an amplifier, or use a 6M transverter. Since the 
SDR-1000 receiver specs are so excellent, I'm thinking it makes sense to use 
the SDR's existing 6M capability -- unless there's some good reason not to. 
Please discuss if you think the transverter route is better for 6M. 
Assuming the SDR's 6M capability is as good as its HF capabilities, I will need 
a linear amplifier that will take the 0.5W (or less) output and amplify it to 
at least 25W (requirement of my 350W final amplifier). Does anyone know of an 
amplifier on the US market that will do this? 

Bill / W5WVO 
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