On 1/16/07, Gerald Capodieci <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Very funny everybody but, seriously, the meter and other display items will 
> freeze when CPU usage reaches 100%. Check other running programs otherwise. 
> Use Control Panel to uninstall PowerSDR reinstall from scratch. Do not import 
> the old database right away. Then check the CPU usage.

YES!  All joking about a real problem aside, please.

Gerald, my CPU _never_ reaches 100%.  I loaded PowerSDR this morning
and the first thing I noticed was a frozen S-Meter.  Doesn't happen
all the time, however this is a real thing, and I don't think a dose
of WD-40 would solve the problem.  Maybe those of you who joke about
it don't have the problem, however there are some of us that have seen

Suggestions are certainly welcome for a fix, however things like "joy
juice" and the like are not  something that you guys would grin about
if you consistently had some problem where that sort of suggestion was

What it boiled down to was the number of replies to his (not mine)
thread that were all poking fun at his (and others) "real" problem.
If it were you that posted a need or question such as this, surely you
would have felt those replies were condescending since none of them
offer any advice...

I'm sorry if I've offended anyone, however  when someone has a _real_
problem, even if it's not a "bug", none of us should give that person
the remote idea he might be off his rocker.  If there had been some
_real_ ideas, comments, "we are looking into it", etc., along with the
jokes, it may have come across a little different for those of us that
DO have the problem.

I really think that someone from Flex should have intervened to stop
the joking and poking at a poster for asking someone for help.  Isn't
that what the list is for?

Sincerely Submitted.


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