
It's funny that I was thinking about this very issue this weekend while
driving to Boston from NYC.

What about having the Squelch control track the background noise level and
open the audio above a certain threshold (noise +5-10db?)
Would a tracking squelch control provide the desired "quiet" receiver, or
are we talking about two different ideas?

Craig, KC2LFI

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Tayloe Dan-P26412" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <flexradio@flex-radio.biz>
Sent: Sunday, January 21, 2007 3:54 PM
Subject: [Flexradio] Noise floor driven, threshold based AGC?

> I was listening to a homebrew SDR receiver last night and it stuck me
> how noisy it was compared to my analog, narrow band NC2030.  As I
> thought about this for a bit, I think the reason that the NC2030 is so
> quiet (besides close attention of audio chain details), is that it has
> no AGC.  Thus, I can turn the volume down to where the background noise
> is not that high, and tune around the band for signals, and signals tend
> to jump out of the (relative) silence and thus tend to stand out against
> the background a lot better.
> Given the fact that we have complete flexibility over the AGC in
> software, I was wondering if we could do something similar, but better.
> Suppose the receiver does an average noise level calculation over the
> sampled bandwidth (min function?) and then set an AGC threshold above
> that point (10 db?).  If the signal falls into the range of the noise
> level up to the new AGC threshold, the signal comes through linearly
> amplified.  If the signal is higher than the threshold, AGC is applied
> to keep it from blasting and or distorting away.
> This might give the best of both worlds where the noise floor is not
> needlessly amplified, producing a "quiet" receiver, but where AGC kicks
> in when needed to keep large signals under control.  This could produce
> audio that is much more "listenable" than the current AGC amplified
> situation and more controllable than the "AGC OFF" alternative.
> - Dan, N7VE
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