> So now a further question, for which I guess there is not yet an
> answer, is what about Windows Vista?
> I need to take the plunge and replace my computer, so any comments will
> be received most gratefully.

I would add to the "avoid Vista" chorus.  I always am a "trailing adopter"
anyway, but the Flex ecosystem is such that I wouldn't want to be the
first Vista user.  Some strange and wonderful things have been done to
make our code work.  I'm sure that in a while it will work just fine, but
I don't want to be the one to live through "in a while."  Me, I got DX to
contact and what I have works real spiffy.  Where's the advantage?  Not
for PowerSDR, not for a long while to come.

Get XP, probably XP home, if you still can.  You can always upgrade later
when Vista is better established.  Heck, the press is already talking
about "Vista Service Pack One" and it is barely launched.  I don't know
what it means, but it isn't a confidence builder.

MS is going to try and convince you you'll be hopelessly behind if you
don't buy it right now really right now, but the truth is, XP at a
reported 35 million lines of code, proven third party drivers (important
to us!), and continuing support will be just fine for years to come for
all needs, never mind running Flex Radio's PowerSDR in particular.

Plenty of time to let someone else take the arrows of pioneering Vista. 
Just make sure the hardware is "Vista ready" and you'll be fine.

Larry  WO0Z

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