I'm not sure what to make of this either.  I have all
3 soundcards, and the FA-66 seems more sensitive to
close RF than the other 2 cards.  It seems to desense.
 With the D-44 I have been able to work for example 75
SSB and and do CW DXing on 160, 80M or 40 running
>1kw, but I notice I can't do that with the FA-66.  I
have 2 verticals on 80 that are about 120ft apart and
I have measured +20 dBm on the antenna that is
connected to the SDR when transmitting >1kw on the
other antenna, so it is a very stout test.  I run the
FA-66 at 192khz and the D-44 at 49K so that may be
part of the difference.  Also when I had a FT-1000D it
was not nearly as bullet proof as you describe, so I
wonder what "mods" have been done to improve the
FT-1000.  Also if the feed line of the dipole runs
close to the transmitting antenna you may be picking
up a lot of common mode on the feed line which may
mean the "antenna" is much closer to the vertical than
you might imagine.

73  W9OY  

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