On 2/7/07, Jim Lux <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ...However, market realities (90% of users use windows,
> etc.) mean that the allocation of development resources might push
> towards the MS platform, just to accomodate the majority...

It's inevitable that there will be a split between the Windows and other

Clearly a lot of the appeal of the SDR-1000 for many users is the user
interface, and the way it consolidates many old and new features that people
have wanted and are learning to want. I don't think the point has been lost
on Flex that this is where the growth market lies.

My own belief is that this is an ignis fatuus, however. All Icom or Yaesu or
Ten-Tec have to do is open up some hooks to their radios via USB or ethernet
and the technological advantage that Flex currently has will disappear in a
matter of weeks, as far as the SuperConsole is concerned. This avenue will,
as you aptly point out, satisfy perfectly the needs of many if not most of
the new-buyer population.

The long-term advantage of SDR lies not in the "better" UI but in things
that SDR can do that more conventional radios cannot. Some of these things
are in the UI domain, many of them aren't. They're largely orthogonal to the
SuperConsole, and they're going to happen outside the main economic lifeline
for Flex, I'm afraid.

Hence the inevitability of the split.

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