
The question of sensitivity still remains as far as I can tell.  Can you 
borrow an attenuator and bring the XG1 down to the noise floor on both 
yours and Joe's radio.  The 10 dbm  difference may be a calibration 
issue rather than a sensitivity issue unless you can still hear signals 
on your Yaesu that you cannot hear on your SDR.

73   Tom   W0IVJ

N1OFZ wrote:

>Hi all,
>I spent some time last night pouring over the ECO's and determining  
>which ones were done to my radio.  I did end up taking off the BPF  
>board to get a better look at the RFE.  Also during this process I  
>reviewed the block diagrams that Peter sent (thanks!).
>Today with the help of Joe (AB1DO) I was able to test my radio  
>against his radio.  When we hooked up the XG1 my radio was showing  
>the XG1's signal at about S3.  It was also quite a bit off frequency  
>and suffered from some serious image issues.  After a few runs at  
>calibrating it and tweaking it back on frequency we ran it against  
>Joe's SDR.  The result were that the calibrating (with a good signal  
>source) seems to help significantly.  My radio still seems to be  
>about 10 dBm down from his but I believe it to be because his radio  
>has the newer preamp (ECO025).  We listened to a signal that was  
>showing around -90 dBm on my radio vs. his which was showing about  
>-80 dBm.
>I guess the lesson learned is that if you own a SDR-1000 you best get  
>a XG1 or similar signal source.  Maybe future Flex Radio models can  
>incorporate a similar circuit?  Unfortunately, I had to go back to  
>work but I'm looking forward to getting it hooked back up in the  
>shack tonight.
>Thank everyone who responded with suggestions and comments.  And a  
>big thanks to Joe for making time today to help me sort out the  
>problems.  It's great to have a local fellow Flexer!
>Dana  N1OFZ
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