I totally agree.  The SDR is a different beast and you can not use well
established "old world" standards to compare it by.  This, along with
delineation of the difference between a radio with a computer "in it"
rather than a computer "doing it" is also a big educational process that
has to be pushed forward.

Maybe some entry to mid-level tutorials describing the relative
functions of the hardware (the I/Q IO device) and the software are in
order.  It can be a challenging concept to grasp in the abstract until
you actually get you hands on a SDR.


"Si fractum non sit, id reficere"
-Unknown Roman consultant
-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Ray Andrews
Sent: Friday, April 13, 2007 9:52 AM
Subject: Re: [Flexradio] Q23. Regarding the FLEX-5000, can we assume ...


I don't think that what the top DXers & contesters are using is
a good judge of "performance".

At a recent meeting of the Hoosier DX & Contest Club, I got into a 
discussion with a couple of out-of-town contesters who were there to
pick up 
a plaque for top score in the Indiana QSO Party.  They steadfastly
that it was impossible for the SDR-1000 to be any good because it did
have any roofing filters.  "Without roofing filters you cannot have good

image rejection."  I could not convince them that because it is a 
direct-conversion receiver and all filtering is done using DSP that it
not need roofing filters in the IF, and that the filtering provided by
DSP was superior to the roofing filters that they were used to.

It is this type of Neanderthal thinking that we have to overcome to
penetrate the market with a software-defined radio.  I guess maybe a few
us will have to start winning contests to make them sit up & take

73, Ray, K9DUR

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