--- Tim Ellison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I totally agree.  The SDR is a different beast and you can
> not use well
> established "old world" standards to compare it by.  This,
> along with
> delineation of the difference between a radio with a
> computer "in it"
> rather than a computer "doing it" is also a big educational
> process that has to be pushed forward.

This fundamental conceptual difference is indeed lost by many
out there in ham radio land. Those who try to frame Flex
radio's competition as being in the same league as the Flex
is in terms of computer integration simply haven't grasp this
key differential concept.

The Flex models are in a league all of their own for factory
ready transceivers. The traditional "big 4" models are all
still just traditional radios with computers in them.


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