Many can see in the SDR-X branch in the PowerSDR svn repository and that 
some changes have been made to the sdr code to accommodate the new Flex 

I would like to discuss these,  why they have been done,  why they will 
NOT be there long term,  why we are still following the basic vision of 
Frank when he provided both the V1 and V2 architecture based on our 
early joint work on C language software radio.  I provided a lot of the 
earliest dsp code but Frank turned it into a masterpiece.  It still is.

The Flex 5000 is an EXTREMELY complex instrument.   It is utterly 
amazing to me that Gerald has all of its pieces working.  There is lots 
to do, but it will work and work beautifully.  << IT IS NOT THE SDR-X>> 
and will have fewer capabilities than the SDR-X will have.  But on the 
other hand,  it will sell initially anyway for under $3000 and the SDR-X 
will be well north of $10000.   The name SDR-X in the repository WAS A 
RUSE and many fell in including friends of the family.  ;-) .

I am developing many new dsp algorithms just to take maximal advantage 
of the myriad capabilities of the Flex 5000.  The good news is that with 
the rapidly approaching delivery of unit 1,  Wachsman and I have found 
that much of the same code can be applied to the SDR-1000.  There are 
places where we will have to supplement the SDR-1000 with either an ECO 
(mod) or external but trivial piece of hardware to accomplish some of 
the tasks, but most of it is achievable.  Eric, Frank, and I decided 
that it was just too much to try and do all of this and all new code for 
EVERY function in the radio and make it to market THIS YEAR.   Given 
Frank's recommendation, we absolutely jumped into this with both feet 
and removed/changed/etc. whatever it took to get a serious radio, easy 
to support,  with no impediments to performance  on the market by 
Dayton.   Eric and I are working at a breakneck pace for this to happen.


Gerald really wanted to stop manufacturing the SDR-1000.  The Flex5000 
is a ton of lessons learned and a lot of new capability and even though 
it has many more components than the SDR-1000, it is a huge step up in 
manufacturing ease.  It is almost completely surface mount for example.  
I will leave it to Flex to provide further description.

In the "SDR-X" branch the really huge differences are:

1) The update pipe mechanism has been completely tossed out.
2) There are multiple sinks and sources feeding the processing task.
3) The processing task has 3 subtasks, 2 receivers and 1 transmitter.
4) The mon task is gone (this has been transported to DttSP V2.0 by Frank)
5) The meter and spectrum threads no longer exist.

The update mechanism has been completely tossed out because it tuned out 
to be an impediment to 3).   THIS IS A RETROGRADE STEP.    It is 
inconsistent with our desire to do the "ultimate" in remote operation.   
You WILL be able to operate remotely but the mechanism will NOT be a 
significant enhancment over that done by many with PowerSDR and 
DttSP/Linux shells now.

I found that 5) was AGAIN, after I had learned this lesson twice 
already, blocking the processing thread.  Because they necessarily run 
at a lower priority,  if they grabbed the ball, they held on to it for 
dear life and the pops and groans would occur.  Had we followed Frank's 
separate process approach,  this could not happen.  It was too late and 
we are too far down the road to delivery.  We used a scalpel to remove 
the impediment.  Now, all of that works, and thread priority rather than 
semaphore blocks take care of the problem.  The meter and spectrum CAN 
NOT update while the dsp wants to run as it will preempt them.  END OF 

The multiple sinks and sources are provisions for the new firewire 
controller audio and the IF's in the Flex 5000 series which will be 
shared with the SDR-X series.   For the Flex 5000,  we need SIX sinks or 
sources.  As you can see from the the early advertisements,  the Flex 
5000 is a fully duplex radio.  That easily explains why you need two of 
the three processing channels (two sinks, two sources).  You can tell 
the old AMSAT guy beat up on Gerald pretty hard about having this 
capability.  It is there in spades.  Between KM0T and I,  we have beat 
up on Gerald with all hands, feet, and head butts ;-) about how many 
types of connections to support on the back.   It will take a month to 
write the manual on that alone!  ;-) .  I am so excited about this and 
its potential for AMSAT/satellite types,  VHF/UHF microwavers  but 
others will become apparent.  Let me go on:.  The 3rd processing thread 
is needed to support the Sub RX.  The Sub RX, which will be an add on 
option,  is a COMPLETE DUPLICATE of the receiver already on the main 
board. The only difference is that the DDS based sythesizer does not 
need as many channels so a slightly different (but still as spectrally 
pure) version is on the 2nd receiver.  It is the same very high quality 
receiver as on the main board otherwise.  It is a completely separate 
IF.  You talk about SO2R in a box?  This is it.  AND, all of those 
antenna connections I mentioned will support that as well.  If you hook 
two separate antennas to the Flex 5000 (all models) we are planning on 
coherent combining as our first effort to do the full many channel 
combining which will be part of the SDR-X.  This makes complete sense 
for us to develop the major capability to be added to the SDR-X in the 
5000 before THOUSANDS of dollars per radio are purchased.  This will 
provide lessons learned, much experience, etc.  This makes complete 
business and even practical scientific/engineering sense to me.

The processing task is divided into 2 receivers and one transmitter and 
we needed intimate control of this.  When the decision was made to do 1) 
above,  and based on a promise I made to Frank not to do different 
branches of DttSP v2.0 for windows,  I forked.  THIS IS TEMPORARY.    We 
will NOT have the erlang core and separate process model running when 
the Flex 5000 is released.  On the other hand, by anyone's definition,  
when this thing hits the streets,  it will be a bloody revolution.

All of this internecine disturbance is a "family discussion" best held 
at the dinner table.   It has NOTHING AT ALL to do with the quality of 
the effort or where we intend it going.    Me,  my friends,  my 
employer, and sponsors will be buying MANY Flex 5000's.   I CANNOT DO MY 
YEAR.  After the 5000 gets a head of steam and steam rolls the 
competition (probability ONE POINT OHH), the SDR-X work will begin in 
earnest.   It simply must.  It enables ALL of the vision we have but it 
might be a $20,000 radio.  That just did not seem to be a reasonable 
replacement for the SDR-1000.   ;-) .  The president of a major amateur 
radio organization pulled me aside and asked me had Gerald lost his 
mind.  I assured him when the new radio came out, he would know that 
Gerald had not.  Indeed,  I am as proud of Gerald as I have ever been.  
I am dang proud he, Eric, John, Frank Brickle, and all of the other 
people associated with this are my friends and allow me to play.  That 
is good, because no one else outside of my wife and my cat will do it 
anymore without gritted teeth and even the cat occasionally scratches me 
for good measure.  ;-) .


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