I wired a transistor and a resistor or 2, and a 1/8" jack onto the 9 pin plug 
that plugs into the serial port.  I think I used a PNP (like a 2n3906) or a FET 
(like a MP102) but I can't remember. I used some of the voltages on the serial 
plug to power the buffer.  What ever I did was the obvious thing to do, it 
wasn't fancy or cleaver.  If I get the chance I will pull it apart and give a 
clearer description, but it would probably take less time just experimenting 
with what you have on the bench than that waiting for that.

One thing I found, is using a usb winkey, a usb serial port, and the flex usb 
to parallel converter, I lost the ability to send code without errors.  There 
was too much traffic on the USB line that was temporally related and some 
things got out of sequence.  It took me a while to figure it out since I had 
just purchased a new paddle and I figured it was my lousy set up on the paddle 
(though it was a Begali and those are like impossible to set up incorrectly).  
I did not have the problem if I used a standard serial port or if I used the CW 
jack on the back of the radio.   

73  W9OY

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