When I bought my SDR-1000 in 2005, I was going to
buy the knob later, because I though it would be
awkward without a knob.  Now I find my other radios
with knobs to be tedious to tune.  Flex-Radio has
spoiled me.

Instead of making a front panel with an umbilical
to the radio, why not take the next step and make
an Internet connected front panel?  That way you
can connect it directly to the SDR-5000, or use
it over the Internet to enjoy remote operation.
Then folks could use a hardware panel or pc screen
as they prefer.  One development cost, ultimate

Like I said about T-Shirts and mugs, the SDR-1000
was the best goodie!  Thank you for making such a
great rig!

Mike - AA8K

John P Basilotto W5GI wrote:
> We currently carry two external knobs. About 30 percent of our customers buy
> one of the two controllers with knobs. Eighty percent of them report that
> after a week or so, they no longer need the knob because a mouse is
> sufficient.  Having said that, we are continuously evaluating different
> devices for those slaved to traditional methods of tuning and controlling a
> radio. Some habits are just hard to break. 
> John P. Basilotto
> W5GI
> Marketing and Product Manager
> FlexRadio Systems
> 512-535-5266

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