Recently several postings have mentioned the database associated with
PowerSDR and also noted that it sometimes needs to be wiped clean. I am
hoping someone can answer a few questions about this for me. I looked
through the Knowledge Base and also the manual and didn't have much
luck--apologies to the list in advance if I overlooked the obvious.

1. What is the best way to reinitialize the database?

2. Under what circumstances should the database be reinitialized? (for
example, should it be done every time there's a new SVN update?)

3. I assume the database contains various values that are manually entered
by the user (such as the settings for NR, LPT Address, and so forth) as
well as those generated by automatic calibration procedures. Is there a
way to dump all the values so that there is a easily accessible record of
them, or is the recommended procedure to make note of any values that one
might want to restore later?

Thanks very much for any answers,


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