> Have you seen the review in the September QST of the Hendricks QRP FireFly 
> SDR transceiver?
> Its available now on the ARRL members website.  Once again, the ARRL has done 
> injustice
> to an SDR radio by having an SDR neophyte conduct the product review.

The reviewer, Rich Arland, is a very well known, avid supporter/ mover/ 
shaker in the world of QRP.  Hendricks QRP Kits isn't marketing the 
Firefly to Flex owners, they are marketing it to QRPers who like to 
build inexpensive kits.  Rich Arland is very typical of a person who 
might purchase such a kit, and his experiences -- both good and bad -- 
are probably not far off the mark.  His perseverance to come to grips 
with the technology is also fairly common in the QRP community.  The 
fact that he (successfully) enlisted help from someone who knew more 
than he did about the computer side is also very typical, unless your 
family relation are more computer literate than mine...  We have the 
Flex reflector and knowledgebase to go to for help, and the traffic here 
and the extensive KB suggest that newcomers to SDR -- as well as some 
old timers -- often need a little advice or encouragement.

Thus, the choice of Rich as a reviewer appears to me to be a conscious 
decision by the ARRL to test the product in its intended market.

The review comes off as very positive, and Rich as enthusiastic over the 
power and features of the radio.

I think the ARRL did a good job with this review.


Lyle KK7P

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