
Suggest you send this or similar e-mail to ARRL: Dave Summer, Steve 
Ford, Joe Hallas or all.  They do have some computer literate persons on staff.

Chas, W1CG

At 12:21 AM 8/8/2007, you wrote:
>Have you seen the review in the September QST of the Hendricks QRP 
>FireFly SDR transceiver?  Its available now on the ARRL members 
>website.  Once again, the ARRL has done injustice to an SDR radio by 
>having an SDR neophyte conduct the product review.  The reviewer 
>whines about how computer illiterate he is, and then spends an 
>inordinate amount of the article discussing how he tried to get the 
>unit to work with a mono audio line input on a 
>laptop.  Hello???  Next he complains about how he doesn't own enough 
>computing power and a high enough quality sound card to use the 
>radio with his PC.  He then asks his buddy at the ARRL lab for help 
>and, in what sounds like a scene from the Three Stooges, they 
>finally get a dubious choice of sound card to work (rejecting the 
>M-Audio card).  The reported measurements are then made with that 
>sound card. How unprofessional can the ARRL get?  At least get a 
>reviewer who knows something about SDR to give the radio a fair 
>shake.  Rather than highlighting what may be one of the more 
>exciting QRP projects out there, the ARRL just perpetuates the myth 
>of SDR being very difficult to understand and make work. Do you 
>think the ARRL gave the Tokyo Hy-Power amp review appearing in the 
>same issue to someone who knows nothing about amplifiers?  Of course 
>not.  But they don't treat SDR with the same respect.  They treat it 
>as a curiosity rather than as a revolution.
>So, who will the ARRL choose to review the FLEX-5000, and how many 
>times will they need to review it to get it right this time?
>Rich W1EZ
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