> tells the story about as well as can be.  Each process will live in
> own virtual space and message passing will be the way to talk to each

Interesting and thanks for the clarification.

This is not at all unreasonable and is very much along the lines of some
of the work that I've found most interesting recently, namely Sing# and
the Singularity Operating System.  I'd be concerned about the overhead
of layering such a system onto Windows, personally, but there's overhead
in everything and systems continue to get faster so... who knows.

I DO wonder, though... if the "high speed stuff" will be in C/C+ and
assembler, and the signal processing core functions are (presumably
written by you experts in this stuff and) designed to be self contained
and separate from the GUI, then what's the advantage of using Erlang?
YOU guys certainly know how to handle mutexes. Doesn't the major issue
rapidly become the interface between the processing core and the display
components?  And if you can write the display components in
choose-your-language, do you not wind-up with having to export SOME sort
of locks from the processing core modules to serialize access to the
exported information?

I guess it all depends on what types of functions your design
anticipates enabling in the GUI front end.  I suspect that creating such
a design will be a very difficult task if the result is to be something
sufficiently flexible that it doesn't lock you in to a given graphical
or functional paradigm.  

I'd suggest that, to be really useful, the design has to include not
just the ability for somebody to write a GUI front end that looks like
IK3VIG's design... but rather something on the order of the ability to
create a GUI that included (for example) multiple sub-receivers within
the passband, each with different filter widths, and each displayed in
multiple ways (panadapter, waterfall, spectrum). I'm not saying this is
a GUI I personally would want to write, but rather that this sort of
thing should be possible in the functionally decomposed system.

I dunno... maybe this isn't interesting or relevant to most folks on
this reflector.  Or perhaps it's too early in the process, or not up for

It's very interesting in any case,

de Peter K1PGV

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