At 09:06 AM 10/1/2007, Frank Brickle wrote:
>Jim Lux wrote:
> > ...several months from now,
> > which aren't online, and aren't free, either...
>The Proceedings are available now. They were distributed to attendees.
>Considering what TAPR (together with AMSAT) have been contributing
>to amateur radio lately -- if you compute a score based on the
>tally by Bruce Perens, you too will be convinced it's
>extraordinary -- I don't feel bad about perhaps letting them
>defray some of the costs by asking interested readers to buy
>copies of the volume. Besides, there's lots of other stuff in it
>that's worth having.

I don't have a problem with charging for hardcopies of proceedings, 
and if they're available today, that's great.

> > Or, does TAPR allow independent distribution of a conference paper?
>It's not up to them. Authors retain copyright. I'm the one being a

Are you planning on distributing the paper online?

Jim, W6RMK 

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