Hi guys

I had a great time playing around in the RTTY contest this weekend  
with the new radio. It was a great learning experience. The  
integration of hot wheels with RCKLog was seamless and I never felt a  
lack of "focus" at least from a program perspective.

I defined filter buttons for Digi-L at 350, 500, 1K and 2K widths  
centered around 2125Hz which normally is what works great in dx'ing.  
The panadapter was tremendous during the contest. Rtty signals look  
like CW signals dancing a hula dance (I use averaging on the  
panadapter) and I could easily spot cw from rtty on 40m for instance.  
It was also very easy to see where any gaps existed so I could plant  
myself down and do a run for a while.

The trap I fell into Saturday was that I could easily find 400 hz  
clear on 20 to park myself and call cqww and not hear anyone on  
either side but obviously no one could hear me very well. Since I  
wasn't really competing, I didn't try to move anyone away so I could  
have wider berth but its a trap I probably wasted an hour or so  

Using the Eltima virtual serial port drivers I never experienced the  
"Lost contact with transceiver" message I used to get. That was nice.

Ran 1400+ watts the entire time and never saw any symptoms of RF  
entering anywhere in the computing chain. I saw 2 occurrences where I  
would xmit and I would not get any audio from the rx. Panadapter also  
reflected no signals. I would go standby then start and all would  
resume normally. Not sure what band I was on when it happened but  
will look for it in the future.

Maybe we should form a flex contesters club so we can enter all of us  
in one team for the upcoming contests!

Neal Campbell K3NC

telnet to our DX Spotting clusters at: dxc.k3nc.com, ports 12001 and 23

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