Good Job Neal
I did similar but a lazy effort here.
Your right about the panadaptor. If S&P, just keep scrolling down the band 
I used Writelog, only issue I had was that FSK cluster spots were always 2.1 
off my dial readout.
So just scroll down and I found them.
I 'run' using both vfo's
Call cq on vfoB and tune in of freq replies with mouse using vfoA.
I had some pretty good runs on 40.
Especially when someone spotted me....but again, my call would show up on 
the bandmap 2.1 higher than the SDR said I was at.

Great trick is to Save the freqs of the vfos, and then if you tuned vfoa off 
a ways for someone, just click on Restore and your right back in exact 
I set the panadaptor to 4X Max, that really gives me a good idea of open 
spaces between signals that I could plant my cq signal.

Had fun, was high in 60706 again for the 20th straight contest (only 3 other 
active hams, and they are both shackondabelt types)

BTW: picked up 2 new band/mode slots with the 40 and a KP2, both on 80 rtty.
(I already got the 4O qsl via LoTW this morning)

On 10/1/2007 3:32:07 PM, Neal Campbell K3NC ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> Hi guys
> I had a great time playing around in the RTTY contest this weekend
> with the new radio. It was a great learning experience. The
> integration of hot wheels with RCKLog was seamless and I never felt a
> lack of "focus" at least from a program perspective.
> I defined filter buttons for Digi-L at 350, 500, 1K and 2K widths
> centered around 2125Hz which normally is what works great in
> dx'ing.
> The panadapter was tremendous during the contest. Rtty signals look
> like CW signals dancing a hula dance (I use averaging on the
> panadapter) and I could easily spot cw from rtty on 40m for instance.
> It was also very easy to see where any gaps existed so I could plant
> myself down and do a run for a while.
> The trap I fell into Saturday was that I could easily find 400 hz
> clear on 20 to park myself and call cqww and not hear anyone on
> either side but obviously no one could hear me very well. Since I
> wasn't
> really competing, I
> didn't try to move anyone away so I could
> have wider berth but its a trap I probably wasted an hour or so
> fighting.
> Using the Eltima virtual serial port drivers I never experienced the
> "Lost contact with transceiver" 

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