Philip Covington wrote:
> On 10/1/07, Frank Brickle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Jim Lux wrote:
>>> ...several months from now,
>>> which aren't online, and aren't free, either...
>> The Proceedings are available now. They were distributed to attendees.
>> Considering what TAPR (together with AMSAT) have been contributing
>> to amateur radio lately -- if you compute a score based on the
>> tally by Bruce Perens, you too will be convinced it's
>> extraordinary -- I don't feel bad about perhaps letting them
>> defray some of the costs by asking interested readers to buy
>> copies of the volume. Besides, there's lots of other stuff in it
>> that's worth having.
>>> Or, does TAPR allow independent distribution of a conference paper?
>> It's not up to them. Authors retain copyright. I'm the one being a
>> hardass.
>> 73
>> Frank
>> AB2KT
> I will certainly purchase a copy of the proceedings when they become
> available.  TAPR is an organization worth all the support you can give
> it.  Without TAPR, the HPSDR boards would probably just be some gerber
> files available for download from the website (that very few would
> have any incentive to make into real hardware).
> Phil N8VB

This is indeed true.  At the TAPR annual meeting, when the finances were
discussed,  it was made clear how critical AMSAT's support, in both
dollars and development tools was to the success.

I will not comment on the technical presentations.  I was an author on
too many to be considered impartial.  But my perception was that from
the folks who had attended over ten DCC's to those who were there for
the first time:  "WOW" was the gist of their comments about the entire show.

Can you even imagine someone wanting to listen to me for four hours on a
Sunday morning after I had stayed up almost all night talking to Bruce
and actually paying for it?  Anyway,  it was well received and I made
what I consider two crucial mistakes in the presentation. The first was
the existence of, and the manner of, the presentation on the overlap
save.  I should have just discussed FIR filtering as the straight
forward convolution and told the audience that anyone doing it for real
would use an FFT for speed and that if they were interested go read
........  That slide cost me 30 minutes and I did not get to do all of
the presentations of live stuff I wanted to do at the end.

The practical emphasis was on Softrock40 first,  then Flex, HPSDR, and
GnuRadio.  I told of the upcoming algorithmic development on the signal
processing side that would be available in DttSP and PowerSDR.  I
discussed what was being worked on for GnuRadio.  GnuRadio will continue
to have a big impact and I expect that impact to grow significantly in
the next year but be primarily limited to VHF and above and digital
communications.  It is receiving wide spread corporate and government
involvement and more than one government is involved!

Finally,  my last practical mistake was made before I got there.  Phil
Harman, VK6APH, and Steve Ireland, VK6VZ have been making use of
spreadsheets in their instructive materials for SDR in RADCOM.  Never
one to let a great idea get away, I was going to steal it.  But I made a
huge mistake.  AMSAT bought copies of some more Redmond viruses.  In
this case, the Virus was Office 2007.   I wanted to hand out Excel
spreadsheets containing the calculations for each and every step in
building an AM and SSB receiver (the parameters, filters, etc.)  The
interface, macros, functions, were so different, I struggled for two
days before and two days whilst there and finally GAVE UP.

AMSAT Director and VP Engineering. Member: ARRL, AMSAT-DL,
"If you're going to be crazy, you have to get paid for it or
else you're going to be locked up." Hunter S. Thompson

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