At 02:34 PM 10/10/2007, Frank Brickle wrote:
>Jim Lux wrote:
> > And presumably, those messages to the DSP software and RF hardware are
> > defined somewhere? (if only implicitly in the fact that sender node and
> > receiver node have consistent software that has common semantics, i.e.
> > is Frequency in MHz or Hz, etc.)
>Of course. The significant point, however, is that many if not
>most of the radio functions don't need to know anything about
>those definitions.
> >  Would the VR kernel, for instance, have some mechanism
> > for backward compatibility with "old style" messages?
>Yes. This is all covered in considerable detail in the OTP
>documentation. You have the same thing in much simpler form with
>RPC, for example.

I note that Thompson's thesis makes lots of mention of WBF (Well 
Behaved Functions)  implemented within OTP that raise exceptions when 
the specification doesn't describe what's supposed to happen in the 
circumstances that have occurred. (p126, Rule2).   And for that 
matter, Rule 1 on the same page refers to the isomorphism of WBFs and 
their corresponding specifications.

Does this mean that specifications will exist for the functions 
implemented in VR-kernel?

This would tie back to my question about whether sufficient error log 
information is created to allow someone to figure out how the message 
sender should change their message so that the receiving process will 
be able to handle it... something covered in Thompson's Rule3.

A further question about the proposed new architecture... is the dsp 
processing (i.e. either the receive or transmit threads in Dttsp) 
being implemented as a gen_server pattern?

James Lux, P.E.
Spacecraft Radio Frequency Subsystems Group
Flight Communications Systems Section
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Mail Stop 161-213
4800 Oak Grove Drive
Pasadena CA 91109
tel: (818)354-2075
fax: (818)393-6875 

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