At 02:37 PM 10/10/2007, Frank Brickle wrote:
>Jim Lux wrote:
> > (Which seems to put a huge burden on the receiving node's error
> > reporting infrastructure)
>Lifting that burden is one of OTP's main jobs.

ALthough Thompson seems to assert that the receiving node is supposed 
to put enough detail into the error log, so it's unclear that you've 
actually eliminated the need to describe the expected behavior. 
You've just shifted it from one place to another (and hopefully, made 
it in a easier to keep correct way).

I note also that the "Program Development using Erlang" document 
gives a list of system level documents, as well as fairly 
conventional recommendations, e.g., "always document arguments and 
return values" and a whole raft of inline commenting 
recommendations.  For instance, the gen_tcp module has a fairly 
complete "man page" that describes examples, summaries, as well as 
the datatypes.

Is it the intention to follow these recommendations?

Jim, W6RMK 

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