I have a Flex-5000A and am using what I believe to be the latest versions of
the software:
F5K Firewire Driver
F5K Firmware
PowerSDR 1.10.3

When I run Power SDR 1.10.3 I see "FlexRadio Systems PowerSDR Beta v1.10.3
SVN:1606" at the top.

While reading through the comments on this list, I often see a reference to
various SVN's.  In one recent post, there is mention of separate TX and RX
buffer settings, which I don't see with my version.

On the website, they list the latest versions which correspond to what I
have downloaded, but the "SVN" is not mentioned.

Does each PowerSDR version have one corresponding "SVN", or can there be
many SVN's per particular PowerSDR version.

Any further information on the version schemes would be appreciated.


Craig, AE7I
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