That is a lot of money for a radio without knobs. Oh yes you also need a 
BTW the elecraft transverter works very well with the sdr1000 and should do 
fine with the 5000 too. Most transverters with some modification will do 
I would be more interested in a SDR5000 w/o the 100 watt pa.
73 Maarten

----- Original Message ----- 
Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2007 2:19 AM
Subject: Re: [Flexradio] Feedback requested

> John
> The thought of having a second receiver board is certainly enticing and in
> fact, I had planned to purchase one. I have the highest respect for Flex
> products but for the sake of providing honest feedback, I would just like 
> to
> say the following. When I inquired about the price at the CSVHFS 
> conference
> this summer, a ball park figure of roughly half of the price mentioned in
> this e-mail was estimated. In my opinion it was reasonable, however the
> price range stated in this e-mail has definitely caused me to rethink
> whether I can justify spending 25% of what I paid for the entire radio on
> the second receiver. To me this is disappointing as I had planned to
> purchase every conceivable accessory as they became available.
> In my case, the upcoming internal 2 meter transverter will be a priority
> and if I remember correctly, a pleasingly reasonable estimated price in 
> the
> mid $200 range was mentioned for it. Now I am wondering if that will also 
> be
> priced beyond what can be justified. Please don't get me wrong, I love the
> cutting edge products you are producing and have been wrestling with my
> conscience about whether or not to send this e-mail, but I'm sure you want
> an honest opinion from your customers. Perhaps there are others that feel
> this way and haven't spoken up.
> Thanks for listening,
> Jim
> K5HY
>>From: "john" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>To: <>
>>Subject: [Flexradio] Feedback requested
>>Date: Wed, 31 Oct 2007 10:34:50 -0500
>>Dear Flexers and soon-to-be Flexers:
>>Gerald is busy finishing up the second receiver design; it should be
>>available late January or February.  The price is expected to be between
>>$600-700.  We would like to know how many units to build.
>>Please let me know if you would like to reserve a 2nd receiver.
>>We are also planning to order t-shirts and hats. Each item will sell for
>>plus shipping.  The shirt will be slightly modified, making it generic to
>>both SDR-1K and 5000  radios. The FLEX-5000 banner will be removed and
>>replaced with   " Real Radios Don't Need Knobs" .  "Open Source
>>Software-User Defined" will be moved to below the console.  Please let me
>>know if you are interested in a hat and/or shirt or both.
>>John P. Basilotto
>>Chief Operating Officer
>>Marketing and Sales
>>Office  512 535-5266
>>FAX    512 233-5143
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