Super Bob,

This is one of the most important "operating enhancements" I have 
seen in PowerSDR.  The performance just keeps getting better.  Is 
there no end in sight to all the good things you guys dream up?  Now 
give us a variable, manually controller notch filter, and we will 
really enjoy a fine receiver.

Chas W1CG

At 04:08 PM 11/11/2007, Robert McGwier wrote:
>Shortly this filter difference will be resolved.  All filters,
>irrespective of sampling rate, will have the exact same shape factor as
>the 48000 Hz.  Shortly after that,  we will be able to support even
>better filters if the user can live with the latency through the RX
>chain and with this second change, we will have an extra benefit.  We
>will be able to reduce the computational complexity at all sample rates
>to the minimum required by the bandwidth chosen for the filter up to
>some coding practicalities.  This yoga/magic/dsp/software engineering
>should have been accomplished a long time ago and the code to do it has
>been in dttsp since the first day of its existence.  The weekend I
>introduced 96000 and 192000, I should have done this at least 1/2 way
>step immediately and done this with the other code.
>QRX for this as Frank and I discuss the design for this and he makes it
>fit into the dttsp v2.0 version of things.  It will turn up in PowerSDR
>shortly thereafter in some form and I sure it will be greeted kindly by all.
>Steve Kallal wrote:
> > I've have tried to achieve 512 buffers at 96 kHz. I'm not using 192 kHz
> > because I want a sharper CW rx filter shape. 192 kHz would be OK for SSB,
> > but on CW the display is too compressed.
> >
> > I can do 512 buffers at 96 kHz, but it gets unstable. CW break-in can crash
> > the system. The 5000A gets stuck in a state where the panadapter display
> > looks frozen even when changing the frequency. Cycling the 5000A power off
> > and back on again, gets me going again. I've found 1024 buffers fixes it.
> > Also listening to WWV has get choppy at 512.
> >
> > 1024 buffers are OK, except I would like to get the latency reduced. I am
> > using a 2.6 GHz P4 with 1 GB RAM. Is this typical with a P4 system? Would a
> > dual core help? I've tried two Firewire cards with the same results. I can
> > try to trim down Windows XP and turn off some services.
> >
> > The bottom line is I'd like to know if the buffer size for the sample rate
> > is typical, or if I need to do some system tweaks.
> >
> > 73,
> >
> > Steve N6VL
> >
>AMSAT Director and VP Engineering. Member: ARRL, AMSAT-DL,
>"An optimist may see a light where there is none, but why
>must the pessimist always run to blow it out?" Descartes
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