I need some advice on what appears to be a very basic antenna/radio issue.
As far as I can tell is has nothing to do with my radio (5000A).  Let me


Because of deed restrictions I have hinged my vertical antenna on a mast and
only put it up during darkness- I love winter.  I also have a loop that lies
on the roof that I use during daylight, but it's a pretty lousy antenna; as
a matter of fact the vertical when it's folded down is a far better
receiving antenna than the loop on the roof.


When the vertical is down the noise level signal is steady.  The received
signal on the loop, although a much higher noise level, is also steady.
However, when the vertical is raised the signal fluctuates randomly.  The
signal (the entire signal indication, not just the noise level) increases by
about 10db but the duration of the elevated signal is a second or two.  I
also noticed that when I checked it with the MFJ 269, the SWR fluctuates
also. From the signal reports I'm getting, my transmissions appear to be
steady, although I wouldn't bet on that.


I replaced the coax yesterday and it had no effect.  There are no tree limbs
hitting the antenna.  The antenna is a Hy Gain DX 77A. All of the utilities
in this subdivision are underground and the nearest high power transmission
lines are at least a half mile away. 


Any ideas on what the problem might be.



Richard, WU5K


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