Richard, it sounds like a bad mechanical connection
in the antenna, or possibly a moisture issue.
Check out the eHam reviews of it:

< >

Mike - AA8K

Richard Stouffer wrote:
> I need some advice on what appears to be a very basic antenna/radio issue.
> As far as I can tell is has nothing to do with my radio (5000A).  Let me
> explain:
> Because of deed restrictions I have hinged my vertical antenna on a mast and
> only put it up during darkness- I love winter.  I also have a loop that lies
> on the roof that I use during daylight, but it's a pretty lousy antenna; as
> a matter of fact the vertical when it's folded down is a far better
> receiving antenna than the loop on the roof.
> When the vertical is down the noise level signal is steady.  The received
> signal on the loop, although a much higher noise level, is also steady.
> However, when the vertical is raised the signal fluctuates randomly.  The
> signal (the entire signal indication, not just the noise level) increases by
> about 10db but the duration of the elevated signal is a second or two.  I
> also noticed that when I checked it with the MFJ 269, the SWR fluctuates
> also. From the signal reports I'm getting, my transmissions appear to be
> steady, although I wouldn't bet on that.
> I replaced the coax yesterday and it had no effect.  There are no tree limbs
> hitting the antenna.  The antenna is a Hy Gain DX 77A. All of the utilities
> in this subdivision are underground and the nearest high power transmission
> lines are at least a half mile away. 
> Any ideas on what the problem might be.
> Thanks,
> Richard, WU5K

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