On Dec 28, 2007 9:14 PM, Bruce K3CMZ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi All
>  I am pleased that the move to a new version of software is started!
> and I hope that a free version of software is in the plan.


>  But, a few questions:
>  1st: What flavor of Linux should I plan for?

Generally speaking, you should always be safe with the most recent Ubuntu.
Bleeding edge versions may be simpler with Fedora Core (8) since it seems to
stay up-to-date with the most-most-recent versions of compilers and whatnot,
but those would only be required for development branches.

None of the individual components is especially complex or feature-rich.
System software upgrades usually only represent improvements in efficiency.

>  2nd: Is there going to be a seperate SVN for this software?

There already is in part, repos_sdr_linux. There is no branch for the
Erlang  VR yet, but very soon.

> 3rd: Is there a time frame in the works?

Not before Dayton. The premier focus is getting PowerSDR refined,
stabilized, and frozen. Alpha pieces are leaking out now but completely
without support of any kind.

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